Hyaluronic Acid Therapy
Instead of injecting cortisone into an affected joint, a therapy including the injection of hyaluronic acid has proved to be very effective. The acid can be injected into small or large joints and treats arthrosis. Hyaluronic acid can be synthesized either biologically or chemically. It also appears naturally in our body, like in cartilage cells or at the inside of the joints capsules. If injected, the hyaluronic acid is capable of changing the bio-chemic environment in the joint and stimulating the production of high quality tissue. Hyaluronic acid supports the healthy synovial fluid, produced naturally in the body, in its function of cushioning and greasing the joint. Friction within the joint is avoided and the maximum capacity free of pain increases. |
Generally five injections with a time-lag of one week are needed to cure the painful symptoms, but in very rare and tough cases, the process can be redone after 6-12 months. For further information please contact our surgery staff |