Privatpraxis Orthopädie Berlin Prenzlauer Berg | Dr. med. O. Surminski
Privat Orthopedics Clinic Berlin

Dr. med. Oleg Surminski - Orthopedics Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Specialist for Orthopedics, Emergency Surgery & Sports Medicine

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Arlen’s atlas therapy

Arlen’s atlas therapy


  • spastic and gross or fine motor skills disorders
  • neural and muscle disorders with increased muscle tonus, including muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis)
  • scoliosis
  • post polio syndrome
  • respiratory disorders
  • mastodynia
  • dizziness and cervical vertebrae-related hearing and speech disorders
  • therapeutic success is known, but not assured, for tinnitus as complementary therapy in the treatment of craniomandibular dysfunctions (CMD)

Therapeutic success for multiple sclerosis depends on the stage of the condition; patients who are not predominantly wheelchair-bound can attain long-lasting success. Significant and lasting reduction of spasticity is possible.

In general: atlas therapy cannot restore destroyed structures, but in combination with the build-up of specific muscles it can improve the functioning of intact structures.

In our centre we use this method to effectively treat infants suffering from torticollis, KISS syndrome or KIDD syndrome (Kind syndrome) as well as dizziness.

Dr. Surminski supplement manual medicine by adding Arlen’s atlas therapy (as integrierte Manualmedizinische Entwicklungstherapie - IMMET) in a course taken with the Ärztegesellschaft für Atlastherapie und Manuelle Kinderbehandlung (ÄGAMK).

Should you have any further questions or want to make an appointment: Call us at 030 - 44 35 193 0, or send an email.

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