Orthopädische Privat-Praxis
Privat Orthopedics Clinic Berlin

Dr. med. Oleg Surminski - Orthopedics Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Specialist for Orthopedics, Emergency Surgery & Sports Medicine

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Welcome to our clinic for orthopaedics in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Orthopädische Privat-Praxis Prenzlauer Berg

Individual Therapy Concepts

All diseases are as unique as the patients themselves, this is why every case requires a tailored treatment concept.


Technical orthopaedics

Basic psychosomatic therapy

Autogenic training

We cooperate closely with the physiotherapy and rehabilitation centre AXIS, which is in the same building and equipped to carry out all the necessary modern and precision therapies in this field.If an operation is deemed necessary I shall carry it out in the surgical  Operationszentrum in Berlin Reinickendorf. Major operations such as hip and knee replacement are carried out in Berlin Cliniks.

Further information:

Ambulatory operations

Inpatient operations

You can also visit us in our Private Orthopaedics Clinic in Zeltinger Straße 3 - 5 in Berlin, Frohnau.