Acupuncture is based on 3000 years of experience with Chinese healing methods. ‘Western medicine’ can no longer ignore the success of this method of treatment. The therapy has proved especially effective in treating painful diseases of the spine and joints, as well as chronic headache. We have 20 years experience of practicing acupuncture. Training was undertaken in the Far East (also in Beijing) and in recognized training centres for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Germany. Mistakes while using can be spinal column and joint complaints, chronic headaches, dizziness and tinnitus. The education took place in the Far East (also Peking) and in famous training schools of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Germany. In October 2006 the treatment centre was awarded the seal of quality for acupuncture. |
IndicationsWe use adjuvant total body acupuncture, oral acupuncture, Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture and Korean hand acupuncture. We often supplement the treatment with moxibustion (warming the acupuncture point by burning fragrant herbs over it). Laser acupuncture is used for patients with a low pain threshold, particularly children. We treat the following medical and painful conditions:
Clinical practiceOur body is traversed by a system of meridians. These meridians form a network of pathways through which the Qi (life energy) flows. Illness breaks out when Qi-flow is interrupted. By inserting needles into suitable acupuncture points Qi is allowed to flow again Each patient experiences the actual treatment differently. Some experience a heavy, pressing sensation at the point of needle insertion while others feel nothing. But most experience a feeling of physical relaxation after only a few minutes. Patients sometimes report that they felt a flow of energy. This flow spreads through the body from one treatment to the next. Reactions such as shivering, tingling, dizziness, cold or warmth may occur upon the release of tension and blockages. This is no cause for alarm. It is simply a sign that the treatment is taking effect. Generally speaking, 2-3 acupuncture treatments are carried out each week, in series of 10-15 treatments. Further series of treatment can be carried out if necessary. Patients with statutory health insurance can also be treated by acupuncture because Dr. Surminski participates in a model scheme involving all statutory health insurances. |