Orthopädische Privat-Praxis
Privat Orthopedics Clinic Berlin

Dr. med. Oleg Surminski - Orthopedics Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Specialist for Orthopedics, Emergency Surgery & Sports Medicine

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Cartilage protection therapy

Protektive Knorpelschutztherapie

Protektive Knorpelschutztherapie

thereby improving cartilage viscoelasticity. This means that the cartilage is stabilised by reducing friction, thereby inhibiting spontaneous progressive cartilage degeneration.

Hyaluron (e.g. as Synocrom) can be given as a high-titer injection to the damaged knee.

Following disinfection of the surrounding skin - and local anaesthetic if required - the drugs are injected directly into the joint, under the guidance of an ultra sonic device if necessary. Effective therapy requires 5-10 injections.

Should you have any further questions or want to make an appointment: Call us at 030 - 44 35 193 0, or send an email.