Pain therapy
When treating chronic pain it is not enough just to treat the cause. Therapy also has to influence pain memory. The acquired learning processes have to be cancelled again. Nerves are also able to forget and unwind. Pain management aims at achieving relaxation of the entire nervous system. |
Orthopaedic pain therapyFor unmanageable acute and chronic pain of the muscoskeletal system we carry out a number of different examinations and apply the following pain management treatments.
We also have a number of methods of special orthopaedic pain management:
In particular, lumbar epidural injections (SSPDA) for spinal problems in the groin area resulting from a slipped disc or for lumbar spinal stenosis This often avoids operating on the lumbar spine. Periradicular therapy (PRT) minimally invasive, a drug combination is injected into the vertebral column area and the spinal disc, needle-navigation is by means of computed tomography Precision infiltration of the vertebral facet joints - controlled by computed tomography |