Orthopädische Privat-Praxis
Privat Orthopedics Clinic Berlin

Dr. med. Oleg Surminski - Orthopedics Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Specialist for Orthopedics, Emergency Surgery & Sports Medicine

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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy



  • Pseudoarthritis treatment for badly healing fractures
  • Cellulites remova

Clinical practice

A shock wave applicator is moved across the painful area, controlled, if necessary by means of an ultra sonic device.

The treatment itself lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Therapy usually stretches over 4 to 6 sessions, some chronic conditions require up to 10 sessions 1-2 times weekly.

Most patients notice a definite improvement eight to ten days after the first treatment session, although in some cases this can take up to 10 to 12 weeks.


Should you have any further questions or want to make an appointment: Call us at 030 - 44 35 193 0, or send an email.