Laser acupuncture: A low pain alternative for children
Especially children who fear needles now have the opportunity to avoid the ear and body acupuncture therapy by using an equivalent therapy, the laser acupuncture. |
According to Dr. Beate Strittmatter from the German Academy of Acupuncture and Aurikulomedicine incorporated society this method is absolutely agreeable for infants and causes neither pain, nor rashes of any kind. Strittmatter says: "Laser acupuncture on ears and/or body can treat all diseases, which are based on defective – not destroyed – body functions. Migraine, allergies, sleeplessness , chronic pains, problems with the digestive system and skin diseases can be cured via laser acupuncture." During treatment the acupuncture spots and reflex zones, which are connected to the meridians, are influenced by a precisely tested laser light: the light donates some of its energy to the cells and therefor the meridians too. This method secures the clearing of blocked or imbalanced energy, which can often be the reason of some diseases. |
Often some kind of faults, which inhibit the body to cure a kind of disease naturally, without actually being part of the disease can be cured. They have to be diagnosed from the doctor before acupuncture. These faults can be chronic in children like an inflammation in the paranasal sinus, inflamed tonsils, scars, intestinal defects or intoxications. From the age of eight to twelve on the acupuncture will be intensified with very thin needles, the laser treatment can act as intensifier.